St Joseph’s & Microlight

Motorcycles & Microlights – Fund Raising for St Josephs Hospice

In liaison with Pat Murphy of St Josephs and with the cooperation of the local Microlight Flying Club (West Lancashire Microlight School) we decided to organise a fund raising event combining a display of Classic motorcycles with the opportunity for trial microlight flights at their local airfield. An awful lot of hard work went into organising and publicising this event, however on the day itself the Gods were certainly not very kind to us and we had some of the worst weather and strong winds imaginable.

Regrettably, the event scheduled for Saturday 11th May 2013 had to be cancelled at the last minute and due to other commitments could not be re-scheduled. With disappointment all round and the lack of opportunity to raise the much needed funds from the motorcycle fraternity and visiting members of the public, John and I suggested that our local VMCC section might consider making a donation to St. Josephs. The vote was unanimous and it was with great pleasure that I was able to present a cheque to the main fundraiser for Jospice, Pat Murphy on Thursday 30th May 2013.Jospice 2013

Once again the generosity of our fellow motorcyclists saved the day.

St Josephs Hospice, opened in Thornton, near Crosby in 1974 it was founded by Father O’Leary and it was his legacy to provide love and compassionate care to people of any faith and those without faith in the last weeks of their life. This commitment continues today, but as it is only partially funded by the NHS, fund raising is a vital part of the work at Jospice, something that John and I and members of our local motorcycling fraternity have been more than happy to support.

Should you wish to make a donation or help them out in any way, Pat Murphy or one of their hard working staff would be pleased to hear from you. You may contact them via 0151 924 3812, email

Michael W George